Priceless Experience.
Tireless Advocacy.
Trial lawyers advocating for those suffering from catastrophic loss
What is a trial lawyer?
A lot of lawyers call themselves trial lawyers. But there is a big difference between lawyers who only settle cases and those who routinely try cases in the courtroom. It is important to know that a lawyer you hire has considerable experience in the courtroom, as well as in your type of case. Courtroom experience matters. A lot. That is why before hiring a lawyer to represent you in a serious personal injury or wrongful death claim, you should ask that lawyer “have you actually tried a case like this before?”
Why do you need a trial lawyer?
Insurance companies and risk managers do not pay fair settlements out of the goodness of their hearts. They pay fair settlements if they believe a trial is likely to result in them having to pay even more. They will not form that belief unless you have a lawyer who knows how to prepare your case for trial and knows what he or she is doing in the courtroom. More and more often, we see insurance companies making unreasonably low settlement offers, basically daring the victim to try the case to a jury. When that happens, you need a lawyer who is fully capable of effectively presenting your case to a jury.
Trying Cases in Metro Atlanta for six decades.
Lawyers from our firm have been trying serious personal injury and wrongful death cases in metro Atlanta courtrooms for six decades. Charles Hyatt founded the firm in the Decatur Masonic Temple Building in 1952; his son, John, joined him in 1984, and became the firm’s lead trial lawyer in 1990. John has tried over 100 personal injury and wrongful death cases to jury verdict. Our firm is not a “settlement mill.” We limit our caseload so that we can devote to every client the time, attention, and energy necessary to bring his or her case to a successful conclusion. We work hard for our clients and we fight for our clients.
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